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Perhaps the most notable security advancements to initialize within Westernization are found in the history of ancient Rome. The Vigiles Urbani was…… Physical SecurityThe relevance of physical security cannot be overstated when it comes to the prevention or minimization of instances of unauthorized access, loss, or even theft. In this text, I concern myself with physical security and the relevance of several of its components. The components I will address in this discussion are building security, grounds security, access control systems, perimeter security, and information systems and technology security. Physical Security: Brief OverviewIn the assessment of security vulnerabilities, physical security is generally regarded a critical issue. This is particularly the case given that it is the said physical security that presents the most serious obstacle to an attacker seeking to execute a break in.

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The innovations demanded by community and problem oriented policing require that departments incorporate a geographic, spatial, or local focus, and emphasize the importance of integrating crime mapping techniques into departmental management, analysis, and enforcement practices.

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" Some of the factors that carry significant weight in the said scoring system therefore include but they are not limited to cloud computing rules international harmonization, presence of effective anti cyber crime penalties, intellectual property…… Security Sector eformOverview of the relevant arguments regarding Security Sector reformThe objective of security sector reform has to take care of the threats to the security of the state and the safety of its citizens.

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While the major non financial incentive would be the sense of fighting to protect one's country, the financial incentive has to be substantial and significantly larger than that of any other category of employees.